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Resources for Building Community

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Consultation is a truth-seeking process that allows a group to look at an issue from all sides and build consensus around a course of action.

Since each of us individually can only see a limited view, we need each other to get a full picture of an issue so we can make wise decisions together.


Start a Conversation

To address the challenges facing us, we need real, honest discussions at all levels. Here are some resources for starting conversations in your local neighborhood:

  • How do we rethink wealth at the local level?

  • How do we work together to steward our future?

Additional Resources

Global Solidarity Accounting

A new approach to measuring progress: rather than purely financial measures of wealth, GSA offers ways to think about measuring sustainability and human well-being.

One Planet, One Habitation

A Baha'i Perspective on Recasting Humanity's Relationship with the Natural World

The Prosperity of Humankind

The rising impulse for change in today’s world must be channelled into overcoming the remaining barriers to peace. This effort requires a vision of human prosperity in the fullest sense of the term.

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