Every time I encountered this quote...
Ponder awhile. Hast thou ever heard that friend and foe should abide in one heart? Cast out then the stranger, that the Friend may enter His home. Bahá’u’lláh, The Persian Hidden Words 26
...I always thought the “foe” was things like hate and envy and malice. But I’m realizing it’s also guilt and worry. When these things take hold, love cannot bring its gifts. It’s like drinking water, but none of it gets absorbed.
Twice now in the last couple days, I’ve felt guilt and worry about the state of the world.
But I just stopped.
And took up my sewing.
In both instances, answers came — good, solid answers. Not knee-jerk reactions to beat back the guilt, but true ideas that set us upon a solid path forward.
Do the thing you love. It’s the antidote to guilt and worry. As I sit down to sew, my mind quiets down, my heart opens up… and love starts flowing freely again.